Anti-Wildlife Legislation Introduced to Congress

Here’s a glimpse at things from the point of view of the dark side–an article in the “Daily Caller” in the “Guns and Gear” section from the Safari Club International (the self-proclaimed keepers of “common sense”) touting pro-hunting bills (which need to be stopped)…

Essential legislation to protect hunting introduced in U.S. Congress

Washington, D.C. – Safari Club International (SCI) supports the Recreational Fishing and Hunting Heritage and Opportunities Act introduced by Congressman Dan Benishek (MI) and Senator Lisa Murkowski (AK). H.R. 1825 and S. 170 will require the U.S. Forest Service (FS) and the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) to manage their lands for hunting, angling, and target- shooting based recreation. Members of Safari Club International will be traveling to Washington, D.C. on May 9th to advocate for H.R. 1825 and S. 170.

“For hunters, it is critical that legislation be passed that will ensure future generations of sportsmen and women have every opportunity to enjoy the great outdoors,” said SCI President John Whipple. “We are extremely thankful for the leadership that Congressman Dan Benishek of Michigan and Senator Lisa Murkowski of Alaska have shown with the introduction of this needed legislation.”

The U.S. House of Representatives passed this language with bi-partisan support as part of the Sportsmen’s Act of 2012, whereas the Senate never took final action during the 112th Congress.

“We hope to have this common sense legislation move quickly through both the House and Senate,” concluded Whipple.

Other legislation that is critical to sportsmen includes: H.R. 1818 (Young-AK) and S. 847 (Crapo-ID) allowing the importation of a small number of already harvested polar bears; H.R. 1819 (Young-AK) reinstating sustainable use importation of polar bears by U.S. citizens; and H.R. 322 (Miller-FL) protecting traditional hunting and fishing equipment and other policy issues important to all hunters.

More than 200 meetings will take place on May 9, 2013, as part of Safari Club International’s overall advocacy efforts to protect the future of hunting. The grassroots involvement from SCI members enhances the year-round efforts of SCI’s D.C. office. While SCI is headquartered in Tucson, Ariz., a team of attorneys, policy experts, and dedicated hunters lead SCI’s advocacy efforts in Washington.

Contact: Nelson Freeman;


37 thoughts on “Anti-Wildlife Legislation Introduced to Congress

  1. dear God these people want a world with no wildlife or wildlife perpetually being harassed and terrorized with no ability to live out normal lives. I feel so sick seeing these anti wildlife bills as a constant onslaught against wild animals

  2. It is about time that these tendencies, these urges to kill, mutilate and destroy, are recognized as the mental defects that they actually are. The same mental defects that drove serial killers like Ted Bundy and all the other monsters with human body parts in their freezer. The fact that they could not look at their victims as persons is the same problem serial killers of animals suffer from. They are incapable of recognizing animals as living creatures with rights, with lives they are entitled to live freely and safely. No, animals are just objects for the purpose of getting their disgusting kicks. Blinded as these psychos are, they can only be selfish losers that do not even have the least of consideration or compassion with their victims as they need to kill, kill, kill! No matter what hurt and suffer they cause to innocent and defenseless animals, they are all about their own sick urges. Hunters are a severely disturbed bunch of sociopath cowards which fact they could hardly proof better then by keep calling themselves “sportsmen”! Let me tell you once and for all fucking losers: there is NO-T-HING “sporty” about killing innocent defenseless animals from a safe distance! It never was and NEVER will be! You all should have your heads examined as you are all THOROUGHLY DISTURBED! I hate you and wish you the worst, like equal pain and suffering that you so much enjoy to cause to the poor animals! And FUCK YOU!

  3. I seem to be on the receiving end of SO MANY EMAILS urging me to vote for or oppose one bill or another. Well, someone has done a piss-poor job with monitoring this one….or….it’s been kept under such secretive wraps that I didn’t know about it – and I’m sure many others don’t either. So, they meet tomorrow and there is no time left to contact the reps. That’s just great. Murkowski is Palin’s evil twin. She can’t even accept that polar bears are on the verge of extinction. They just won’t quite till they’ve killed the very last one of everything….and that, in my opinion, is what Safari International is all about. They are the enemy of wildlife. If they “conserve” anything, it’s for the perpetuation of killing animals for fun and trophy.

    • i love the camera idea but animals do not belong to us. as Alice Walker said, “The animals of the world exist for their own reasons. They were not made for humans any more than black people were made for white, or women created for men.”

    • Safari Club International- ” first for hunters, last for wildlife….Safari club is the Canned Hunting Club. When I get to work I’ll post some links about them. Ask these “trophy hunters” how lion conservation is going in South Africa. It is a free for all- hand fed semi tame lions led away from her cubs while still lactating to be shot by a wealthy Slob in an enclosure. SCI calls this “high fence hunting”. The outfitters then Sell the lion bone to Chinese dealers. Rhinos trying to escape bullets retreat into the brush only to be hazed out into the open with helicopters for a clear shot….These people are vampires. Drunk alcoholic Crapo from the wolf killing State of Idaho is SCI’s bit$& in the Senate. The wildlife killers need those polar bear trophies to complete the collection. It is a sickness with these idiots- the rarer the animal the more they desire it

  4. For hunters, it is critical that legislation be passed that will insure future generations of sportmen and women (gee thanks for including my gender )have every opportunity to enjoy the great outdoors .
    Pardon me for being a bitch ! But I would like to enjoy the outdoors to without being shot .My girlfriend was riding her horse which is black and white it looks more like a cow and a bullet just missed her horses head and jammed into the tree. My husband and I were out in the backyard working a couple shots rang out and it sounded like it just came right over my head and one bullet landed in our neighbors house luckily nobody was home she spotted the hole and she showed it to me when I looked there’s was a bullet . It used to be that all you needed to worry about was getting poison or a tick ,now you need dodge bullets and hope you don’t step in the trap ! Thanks Safari Club I hope you shoot each other in the ass!!!

    • I agree, we need to do more to expose the hyprocrates in the Safari Club! What a bunch of sick disturbed assholes.

  5. “Safari Club International (the self-proclaimed keepers of “common sense”)”

    I was at a F&W Commission Meeting to comment on a hunting package. One of the Commissioners, an SCI member (and now thankfully off the Commission), after hearing the biologists’ report of the negative impact of hunting on cougar social structure, and on human safety, commented “Well, science is fine, but we have to use common sense.” This, of course following previous statements (over several years) that we needed to get politics and emotion out of the discourse on cougar management. I guess it was disappointing that the bunny-huggers actually had the facts, and that science supported the ‘wrong’ side of the argument. How “common sense” trumps careful study has always been a mystery to me. Common sense says the sun revolves around the Earth, and that heavy objects fall faster than lighter objects. Common sense says that stopping distance from 60 mph is twice as far as from 30 mph. In other words, much of common sense isn’t.

  6. We need a leader in office who will tell the SCI and their cohorts to just fuck off. I know if I were the one in the White House now, the SCI, NRA, and all anti-wildlife organizations would be declared domestic terrorists and charged with treason for what they’ve done.

  7. “Unless we live with non-violence and reverence for all living beings in our hearts, all our humaneness and acts of goodness, all our vows, virtues, and knowledge, all our practices to give up greed and acquisitiveness are meaningless and useless.” “He who harms animals has not understood or renounced deeds of sin… Those whose minds are at peace and who are free from passions do not desire to live at the expense of others.” – Mahavira

  8. hunter are in fact suppressed serial killers, they would like nothing more than to hunt/kill everything including humans. they are obsessed with gorge and it is their passion – scary.. i do own and shoot guns – not for killing – i do not hunt anything… just for sport and to bury anyone that tries to hurt my family..

  9. This sh*t never ends. These so-called “sportsmen’s” groups have no respect for wildlife or wild ecosystems. If they want recreational opportunities on our public lands, let them camp, hike, or watch wildlife instead of killing it. Hunters are a very small minority in this country, yet politicians always pander to them to the exclusion of the majority. I visit public lands to have peace and solitude and connect with nature, not to listen to gunshots or have to worry about stepping in a trap. Wildlife and wild places are under assault and we need to defend them at all costs from these twisted sociopaths who wish to destroy it for their own selfish purposes.

  10. Speaking of legislation, Montana just turned down two bills involving silencers on hunting guns
    Good…but kind of surprising.
    >>Montana H 27
    Intro Date: 01/07/2013
    Sponsor: Representative Ted Washburn
    Summary: Authorizes use of sound suppressors while hunting certain large predators.
    Status: Died in process on April 24.

    Montana H 205
    Intro Date: 01/14/2013
    Sponsor: Representative Krayton Kerns
    Summary: Eliminates prohibition on firearm sound reduction devices in the field; relates to fish and wildlife.
    Status: Vetoed by Governor. Died in process on May 8.

  11. Guns and killing animals – what fun the fat, white asshole has! The Safari Club is infamous – they were vehemently opposed to the bill Ca. passed outlawing the killing of Mtn. Lions years ago – that was my first encounter w/ them and their mouthpiece – Tom Stienstra who, unfortunately, has a column in the San Francisco Chronicle passing himself off as an outdoorsman – so he constantly gets in “little” digs about all the animals he and the safari club deem unnecessary – his latest was to cry over the “iconic elk” that the Wolves killed – not a word about the iconic Wolves killed by his fat, white friends – you know, the ones w/ iq’s of 30! to say nothing of the Wolves killed to eat and the fat, white guy killed for fun – they are all disgusting

    • I can’t believe this A-Hole has a newspaper column. Does anyone else have a column to counter all of the BS he spews?

  12. SCI and the NRA see the writing on the wall. They are paranoid that animal cruelty issues as they relate to wild game and wild animals is gaining momentum. Trapping, hounding, snaring, baiting, and the growing “predator calling industry” is not popular with the majority of citizens. Just like the overreach in Michigan- the wildlife killers will do anything to maintain control

  13. The majority (at least 90%) of people do not hunt, but most of them (present company excluded!) do not get into “anti hunting,” which is part of the problem. They go along with the Game & Fish mantra, and some even believe that there are actually “ethical hunters,” which is a contradiction of words. What we all must do is keep up the public statements (op eds, letters, posters, protests,etc) which expose the myths about hunters and hunting. Many hunters are also trappers and vice versa. Conservation, environmental and even some “animal groups” and the so-called “media” are lulled into complacency by “game experts” and “game biologists,” which are really the pimps of the hunting/trapping industry. Hunting and trapping are decimating wildlife. If this continues unabated, many populations will crash–particularly now, with Climate Change upon them, as well.

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