Non-lethal Control of Humans Key to Future

After receiving 25,000 comments from across the country and around the world, the Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks commissioners refused to listen to wolf advocates and compromise on their proposed plan to increase the “bag limit” on wolves from one to five for each hunter or trapper (except on a few paltry acres around Yellowstone) and extend the hunting season to six months, without any annual cap on the culling. Despite heartfelt pleas from wolf lovers the world over to spare the lives of wolves in Montana, the commission took a “no compromise” position.

Well, two can play at that game (it seems to me I’ve heard the slogan, “No Compromise” somewhere before). God only knows what some folks might resort to when they feel their voice is being completely ignored, as though their side—the wolves’ side—is of no significance.

An article in an Idaho paper the other day carried the title, “Non-lethal control of wolves key to future.” While that may sound sensible to some people, there are others who feel the reverse would be more appropriate: non-lethal control of humans is the answer. (Some may even be tempted drop the prefix “non.”) In order for wolves to thrive (or at least survive) and for nature to begin to heal from centuries of abuse, cattle and sheep ranchers need to back off and get their forcibly domesticated grazers off the land. Meanwhile, hunters (like the outspoken members of the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation) need to realize that wildlife were not put here purely for their sporting pleasure.

And as long as “game” departments keep allowing and promoting lethal control, there’s always the chance that Nature’s side might follow suit. History has shown that when push comes to shove, people won’t continually stand by while their voices are being squelched and those they care about are being “controlled” or made sport of.

 Text and Wildlife Photography ©Jim Robertson, 2013. All Rights Reserved

Text and Wildlife Photography ©Jim Robertson, 2013. All Rights Reserved

14 thoughts on “Non-lethal Control of Humans Key to Future

  1. Non lethal coexistence is the model for the 21st century!
    If we want a planet left these “boys” need to get a life and quit scraping our wild beings off the face of the earth
    And can we please see the 25,000 comments?

    You guys scared of a little competition out there on the range for your “game” animals? You are turning into sheepherders it’s so easy now to shoot an ungulate. This is not domestication of our wild beings! We are not allowing our wildlife to be taken for your sport! The govt is in collusion with you, but they are ignorant …we will help them remove the haze of lethal mentality they are currently residing within. If Obama can support the wildlife of Africa and pledge $10 million to do so he can save our wildlife too and not have Sally Jewell call it a “good news story “that we saved the wolf so we can now go and kill them all!
    And don’t use 2008 numbers to give a population count of the wolves, before the 2009 hunt was allowed. If you did this in business you would be FIRED!

    • Rebecca…if these people were a private corporation they would have been out of business years ago. Businesses cannot succeed without goodwill and respect for both their product and their market (customers) and that extends to each and every member of their staff.

  2. I have a feeling as this hunting season continues and the Fish Wildlife and Parks are giving these groups more freedom to kill and they’re focusing so much on killing the wolf there’s gonna to be people that are so angry at what they’re doing they’re going to start destroying property and maybe even try to make a point and go after the hunters and especially the trappers. This is a volcano ready to blow !!!!

  3. Hi, Well. now I know what people mean when they tell me they kind of dread see’ing my post’s Hahaha 😦 Jim. Scrolling through the wolf news on your blog looked liked de’ja vu and totally horrific! What monsters us humans really are, it’s shameful. Geesh But, the truth needs to be told and we need the media to see it to get the animals saved, carry on warrior-son and here is a couple actions I thought you might like? Peace and blessings

    Send email to Idaho’s Governor and top 10 Fish and WIldlife officials and tell them Stop Slaughtering the Wolves!

    Send email to Secretary of the Interior, Sally Jewell to take immediate action to protect America’s wolves!

  4. Everybody that can afford to, go out and but up as many wolf permits as you all can. I am very serious. Every 5 wolf permit you buy are 5 wolves that get to survive another year. Uh, just a silly aside… does it actually say the wolf has to be dead? Here’s a thought, hook up with the local scantuaries and go out with your friends and an enclosed trailer ‘hunting for wolves’ in major at risk areas. Use wolf pups crying on tape to get them into the trailer. Make the inside look like the woods. Make a trap door like a have-a heart traps that closes fast. Transport an intact pack to a sanctuary and safety. If you get stopped, just say you haven’t shot the wolves yet. Of course, you are not going to. Get any babies if you capture a lactating or recent lactating alpha female. And have at least one person with wild wolf experience with you. Keep your permit handy, it is your bill of sale from the state for five wolves. I don’t know what the language is but if it says ‘take up to five wolves’ I am pretty sure you can say you are in the process of taking the five wolves the state permits? That would be great for the wolves and funny as all hell to see the look on the face of the game warden! 🙂 I feel a cartoon coming on!

    • Sorry, but “take” means kill, murder as in, take their lives. Although wolf-killers are applauded and all poachers get are fines or suspended sentences, anyone caught trying to rescue a wolf will be locked up for sure. Possession of a live wolf would no doubt get you a life sentence. And buying up wolf tags will only fill their coffers and show support for the way they “manage” wolves. They’ll keep selling tags as long as people are buying, there’s no quota this time…

  5. Oh well, it was just a thought that crossed my mind, kinda like Clinton’s what is the definition of ‘is’? It would make a cute cartoon though. Kind of thinking of the Legally Blonde movie where Reese Whitherspoon’s character had that little dog everywhere in her purse? Except in my version it’s a wolf pup in the purse of a lawyer/wolf-advocate. 🙂 Things are a bit more laid back on the coast. I detested my time in suburban Denver as a ranch manager. I know I have told you stories of the filthy rich killing animals for sport and wasting the meat. They buy up all the smart lawyers on retainer then we can’t hire them. They buy up the politicians. They rig the districts so poor folks votes hold less importance by the numbers electorally. The ones I worked for were big insurance exec’s. Outside of their field, they were idiots by everyone’s definition. And it was all about power and greed for them. Killing wildlife for them was a male bonding experience with no thought what so ever that they killed a thinking, feeling creature who had just as much right to live as they did. I wanted to pick up a bucket of horse buns and get out my trusty wrist rocket and plaster their Mercedes for my target practice! I never did it but one of my ranch hands got the ranch owner’s daughter pregnant in the ‘big house’ hot tub! 🙂 And he was gay, she got him drunk and seduced him! After we left there, I had my own mini farm surrounded by feedlots full of filthy cows. Those people were even more nuts. They shot my dog. I guess because we didn’t send our son to their church Sunday school? Or maybe they just like to kill things? Now that place is being fracked so it’s even worse than it was. There is a sickness of mind there. Hate driven sickness of mind. Against predators, against anyone who is not lily-white and evidently, one must go to their local church, too? Glad to be in Maine. Life is hard here but honest and people for the most part are very evolved and kind to animals. I know what kind of mentality you are dealing with in the Northern Rockies. But if I were still there, I would have to come up with a plan to rescue the most endangered wolves. Just because some politician made it illegal, doesn’t mean it’s like an impossible thing to do. WTF makes it right that killing is legal for ‘fun and profit’, yet rescuing isn’t? Are we angry enough yet to risk our freedom to save the wolves from being wiped from America again? What do you think?

      • There are so few people doing that it truely is a dying sport. I offered my help to stop it, too. Certainly it’s a black eye Maine doesn’t deserve because of maybe a couple dozen morons who still do this. There is a lot of support to ban bear hounding and I believe it will be stopped soon. Bear hounders are no better than poachers in most people’s minds now. The internet helps in that it can be posted what hounders do so people can see that it’s not just one hound on a leash used to sniff out a bear. It’s a vile blood sport for psychopaths, especially training the hounds.

  6. some of you should consider a peaceful organized march on the dept. of Interior,a theCapitol.and invite the media. in DC.

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