N. Minn. hunting guide hit with mountain of charges involving bear, deer kills

 by:  Paul Walsh                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             PAUL                 Star Tribune

November 5, 2013

A north­ern Min­ne­so­ta bear hunt­ing guide has been charged with using vari­ous il­legal tac­tics in­volv­ing the kill­ing of bear and deer, ac­cord­ing to auth­ori­ties.

A north­ern Min­ne­so­ta bear hunt­ing guide has been charged with using vari­ous il­legal tac­tics in­volv­ing the kill­ing of bear and deer, ac­cord­ing to auth­ori­ties.

Keith R. Slick, 32, of Baudette, was charged Fri­day in Lake of the Woods District Court with a long list of offenses, a­mong them: two counts of pos­sess­ing an over lim­it of bear, three counts of un­law­ful pos­ses­sion of deer, two charges of un­law­ful­ly trans­port­ing a bear, fail­ure to reg­is­ter a se­cond bear, fail­ure to tag a se­cond bear, il­legal pos­ses­sion of a car-killed deer, untagged big game ani­mal (bear), no bear out­fit­ter/guides li­cense, un­law­ful trans­fer/lend or bor­row of li­cense, fail­ure to reg­is­ter bear bait sta­tions, hunt­ing with­in 100 yards of an un­regis­tered bear bait sta­tion, and plac­ing bait for bear with­out a li­cense.

There were oth­er vio­la­tions, ac­cord­ing to the state Department of Nat­u­ral Resources (DNR), but the stat­ute of limi­ta­tions had ex­pired on them.

Slick was not im­medi­ate­ly avail­able to re­spond to the charges.

Ac­cord­ing to the DNR:

Dur­ing the fall bear hunt­ing sea­son, state con­ser­va­tion of­fi­cer Robert Gorecki lo­cat­ed an ac­tive bear bait sta­tion be­long­ing to Slick. A search of his home un­cov­ered nu­mer­ous bear capes and skulls, as well as sets of deer ant­lers.

“There were no pos­ses­sion or reg­is­tra­tion tags found with any of the bears,” Gorecki said in a state­ment re­leased by the DNR. “The bears did not have any cuts in their ears that would in­di­cate that a site tag was at­tached at any time in the past,” Gorecki said.

A check of DNR re­cords in­di­cat­ed that Slick nev­er reg­is­tered an a­dult male deer or bear tak­en in the past 10 years, which is as far back as a­gen­cy re­cords go.

A cellphone seized in the in­ves­ti­ga­tion con­tained pic­tures of Slick with a dead bear. Nu­mer­ous text mes­sages were also found with Slick tell­ing peo­ple a­bout the bear he had shot. Oth­er text mes­sages from Slick stat­ed that he had shot seven bears in his life.

Only two of the six ant­ler sets re­cov­ered had site tags on them, but from in­di­vidu­als oth­er than Slick.

“Mr. Slick had multi­ple un­ex­plain­able deer racks,” Gorecki add­ed. “A third set of ant­lers were from an un­regis­tered road-killed deer, and he was un­sure where the re­main­ing sets of ant­lers came from.”

Slick faces near­ly $4,500 in fines and res­ti­tu­tion. A fire­arm and bow were also seized dur­ing the in­ves­ti­ga­tion. If con­victed, his hunt­ing privi­leges could be re­voked for three years.

5 thoughts on “N. Minn. hunting guide hit with mountain of charges involving bear, deer kills

  1. Wow! Can we be safe in saying at least ASPD? Too bad he won’t get jailtime unless he doesn’t pay his fines? While reading, I was hoping he would get to find ‘true love’ in prison. Good thing for him that he didn’t have a joint behind his ear, he might have actually gotten in real trouble!
    This is a really good case for the non-hunting community there to press for a psych eval for getting any hunting licence returned after it has been revoked! This guy is a public menace in the woods! To people and animals! These jerks only stop when they are in prison. What, if anything, does one have to do to have their license actually permantly revoked there, dine on other hunters with the wrong wine selection? Ok, nuts but no more nuts than slapping this guy with a fine! He should be locked up until he knows prison sucks and there is nothing he ever wants more than freedom!

  2. A $4500 fine? Does that even cover the cost of the investigation? Will it cover the court costs? Of course no jail time.. Killing our wildlife is pretty much a free for all. Sure you can buy a tag, but why bother? For 10years he’s been busy..

  3. $4500 fine and THREE years loss of hunting privileges? WHY IS HE GOING TO BE ALLOWED TO EVER HUNT AGAIN??? Give him a fine that is more than a slap on the wrist, too. His behavior is why many people despise “hunters”.

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