8 thoughts on “Who Else Keeps Trophies?

  1. Whether killers prey on animals or humans, they are the same to me. They suffer from the same delusions of grandeur and self-importance and revel in the infliction of suffering and absolute power over another being. Truly pathetic that one’s self esteem depends on such depravity.

  2. I’ve read some trapper claiming that they are actually nice people. To that I say: Ed Gein was great with children.
    A lot of serial killers evaded capture for many years because they didn’t arouse any suspicion. When we think of murderers, an image of some unkempt, fidgety, clearly mentally disturbed individual comes to mind, however many were/are normal, charming and polite people on the outside. What sets these persons apart from the rest of society is the lack of empathy, they simply can not feel any sort of genuine concern for others or show any kind of understanding of what they do is wrong.

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